April/May 2019 - Vol. 103
Christ seated in Majesty
The Incarnate, Crucified, and Risen Christ
A Selection of Spiritual Reflections and Sermons

Ecce Homo! - Behold the Man!, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Incarnate, Crucified, and Risen Christ, by Dieterich Bonhoeffer
The Resurrection of Christ Is God’s Yes to Us, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Cross - the One True Glorification of God, by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI
What Is the Resurrection of Jesus? by Josef Ratzinger/Benedict XVI
Exalted Over All, by Steve Clark
New Life in Christ, by Steve Clark
The Cross of Christ - the Measure of the World, by John Henry Newman
Emptied for Our Sake, by Bernard of Clairvaux

Sermons / Homilies from the Early Church Fathers

What Happened on the Cross, by the early church fathers
The Easter Alleluia, by Augustine, 5th century

The Power of Faith, by Cyril of Jerusalem, 4th century
The Spiritual Passover, by Pseudo-Chrysostom
Why Christians come together on Sunday, by Justin Martyr, 2nd century
The Lord's Descent into the Underworld, from an ancient homily for Holy Saturday
The Victory of the Lamb of God, by Melito of Sardis, 2nd century
The Easter Praise of Christ, by Melito of Sardis, 2nd century
The Good Shepherd gives new life beyond the grave, by Basil of Seleucia

The Cross of Christ gives life to the human race, by Ephraem Syriac, 4th century
The Lamb that was slain has given us new life: Passover homily by Melito of Sardis (2nd century AD) 
The Death of Death by Augustine

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